Wesley A. Wenhardt

Tech Museum of Innovation

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Vice President, Business Operations and Development

San José, California
1998 — 2006

The $96 million (100,000 sq ft) facility opened in 1998, is the next generation of learning centres and museums. Achieved yearly attendance of 650,000 and earned revenues of $20 million.

Reported to the President, led the planning, launch, operation, business strategy and positioning of all revenue generating areas (admissions, facility rentals, group sales, café and catering, store, Imax theater, security, facility management) directing a team of 55 employees and managed $ 20 million in new construction and furnishings.

Targeted 250 Silicon Valley companies and achieved over $5 million annual revenue in the start-up years. Executive producer of a IMAX short-destination film, Spirit of Silicon Valley, after securing $1.4 million in sponsorship.

Wesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of InnovationWesley Wenhardt - Tech Museum of Innovation