Wesley A. Wenhardt

National Museums of Brunei

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Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation

Tourism Marketing Consultant with Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation, United Kingdom

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
August, 2004

Brunei Darussalam’s richly endowed cultural heritage has been steadfastly maintained until today. The setting up of the Arts and Handicraft Centre in 1975 is a living testimony of the preservation and proliferation of the arts and crafts of the bygone days which Brunei was renowned for; such as boat making, silver-smiting, bronze tooling, cloth weaving as well as mat and basket weaving.

Developed Marketing Concepts and Strategies on Museum Collections for the
seven (7) National Museums of Brunei:

  1. 1.The Arts and Handicraft Training Centre
  2. 2.Malay Technology Museum
  3. 3.The National Archive of Brunei
  4. 4.The Art Museum
  5. 5.The Royal Regalia Building encompassing the Royal Regalia (Coronation, 1968), Royal Exhibition Gallery, Silver Jubilee Gallery, and Constitutional History Gallery
  6. 6. Merimbun Heritage Park
  7. 7. The Tomb of Sultan Bolkiah


Wesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of BruneiWesley Wenhardt - National Museums of Brunei